Member Interview
I want to realize a virtuous cycle in which I grow,
the members grow, and the organization itself grows,

Yonex Japan Customer ServiceS.H.
Joined Yonex in 1999. Transferred to Consumer Services Department. Promoted to general manager of Consumer Services Department in 2022.
- What is your current job description?
- My main tasks include providing advice to my team members, analyzing the current situation and examining measures for improvement in order to create an environment and system for effectively responding to inquiries. All these to increase customer satisfaction.
- What is the most rewarding aspect of your current job?
- I obtained consumer advisor certificate so I could provide better service to our customers. Also, I transferred to several departments to help me understand our customers' situations more effectively.
- What is your outlook for the future?
- With my team members, I would like to design a better process of handling customer's feedback.
A Day in the Life of an Employee
Morning briefing Share information from customers.
Taking care of feedback from customers Mainly team member handles feedback from customers.
Analyze customer feedback status Analyze status and improve on handling customer's feedback
Lunch break
Taking care of feedback from customers Mainly team member handles feedback from customers.
Design new flow of handling feedback. Based on analysis, re-design the flow of handling feedback.
Checking progress of team member's activities Checking progress of member's handling status. Provide advice if it is needed.
Wrap up Check the next day's schedule next day and prepare for the tasks ahead