Member Interview
I want to contribute to the speedy delivery
of Yonex goods to customers.

Yonex Japan Merchandise Dept.T.S.
Joined Yonex in 2016, assigned to Purchasing Department. Promoted to manager in 2017.
- What is your current job description?
- I manage purchasing, inventory control, quality control of domestic goods. Our team forecasts sales volume and purchase items. We also keep goods in our storage and manage quality control.
- What is the most rewarding aspect of your current job?
- For me, it's being able to deal with the process that covers production to delivery. And I feel proud when I see Yonex goods in stores or being used by customers.
- What is your outlook for the future?
- The most important thing is to create an environment where customers can get what they want when they want it. It would be a shame to not have what they want when they want it. However, I don't think it is not enough for a company to have a large selection of products, so we would like to prepare products that will allow us to develop as a company while responding to customer requests. We would also like to create an environment in which our products are available not only to customers in Japan, but also to people around the world.
A Day in the Life of an Employee
Check schedule and documents. Double check schedule of the day and approve PO and purchasing plan.
Plan purchasing Consider purchase plan if there is any shortage, place order.
Meeting with related departments In order to properly prepare the necessary items for the company, we meet with various departments within the company. E.g., to confirm the direction of the marketing department's strategy, prepare the items that the sales department requests for, and prepare the products to be advertised and sold.
Meeting with supplier Share information about production status, lead time and price.