Member Interview
I want to become someone
who people can truly rely on.

Fukuoka Sales Office General Affairs DivisionT.C.
Joined Yonex in 1998 as a new grad. In charge of accounting and GA in Fukuoka office. Won a president award in 2014. and after two maternity leaves still growing professionally as a working mom.
- What is your current job description?
- Mainly in charge of accounting, and quite a wide range of GA tasks such as maintaining building condition, keeping records of working hours and creating contracts. It requires us to make quick and proper decisions, and so a high communication skill set is indispensable.
- What is the most rewarding aspect of your current job?
- I always wanted an accounting job when I was a student, I feel I am using my strengths at work. Also I am enjoying managing my team members.
- What is your outlook for the future?
- As a manager of GA, we receive various types of inquiries. For maintaining good performance, I pay attention to making proper decisions and working with speed in mind. We have installed a new system recently, but I believe we still need communication skills to get things done, so I keep requiring my team to have high communication skills along with creativity.
A Day in the Life of an Employee
Morning briefing Team meeting every morning
Email check and documentation Daily routine work, Always schedule for routine work.
Lunch break Having lunch with colleagues, talk about kids.
Accounting task Accounting related work.
Leave the office I try to change mood from work to home with thinking about menu of dinner and family member's schedule.