Member Interview

We want to develop high-quality performance
that fully satisfies players.

新潟工場 研究開発室 O.N.

Niigata Factory Research and Development OfficeO.N.

Joined Yonex in 2012. After 6 months of training in production department, was assigned to badminton development. Transferred to Product & Technology Development in 2019.

What is your current job description?
I am in charge of examining the impact of racquet swing.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your current job?
I value my job as it requires me to keep studying new things. Everytime we face new issues, we need to be creative to overcome challenges.
What is your outlook for the future?
I would like to contribute to new product for supporting players.

A Day in the Life of an Employee

  • 8:20

    Morning briefing Start by doing excercise.

  • 8:40

    Team meeting Share new ideas in the team

  • 10:00

    Meeting with development partners Have meeting with professors from university

  • 12:00

    Lunch break Have lunch with team members

  • 12:45

    Pre experiment Based on morning meeting, arrange experiment.

  • 15:00

    Check the experiment data Examine data of experiment and analyze it.

  • 17:30

    Leave office Do some exercise once or twice a week