Environmental Efforts
Reduce 50 % by 2030
(from 2016)
27 % Reduction in 2023
(from 2016)
Energy Conservation in Manufacturing
Reviewing the Manufacturing Processes
We strive to improve the efficiency of our operations for production with minimal waste.
Installation of Energy-efficient Production Facilities
- Use a highly efficient heating furnace in the process of molding racquets.
- Introduced new facilities to shorten drying time in the process of painting racquets.
- Installed air conditioning equipment with low power consumption for efficient heating and cooling of the factories.
Active Introduction of Renewable Energy
- We are promoting a company-wide switch to use electricity delivered from renewable energy, mainly in factories and headquarters that consume large amounts of electricity.
- The German subsidiary, YONEX GmbH, installs solar panels on the rooftop of its office building, and solar power generation covers more than half of its annual electricity use.
Calculation of Scope 3 CO2 Emissions
We introduced a cloud service for GHG emission calculation and visualization and started to track the group-wide Scope 3 CO2 emissions. In the future, we will set CO2 reduction targets, including Scope 3.
Shift to Environmentally Friendly cars for Company Use
We are switching from gasoline cars to hybrid and electric cars for sales and other business activities.

Company car of headquarters (hybrid car)

Company car of YONEX GmbH (Germany)
* The letter "E" denotes electric cars
Waste Reduction and Promotion of Recycling
Research on Recycling Waste and Used Products
We conduct research to recycle waste such as scrap pieces of carbon sheets and used products generated during R&D and the manufacturing processes.
Waste Separation for Recycling
We are working to reduce waste by recycling cardboard boxes, scrap metal, and wood waste generated from our business activities.
Promoting Sustainable Material Use in Apparel
- We are developing products that use recycled polyester made from plastic bottles, organic cotton (agricultural chemical-free cotton),or natural materials from eucalyptus trees for their fibers.
Replacement and Reduction of Packaging Materials
Replacement of Fossil-derived Plastic Materials
In packaging materials, we are replacing fossil-derived materials with environmentally friendly materials such as biomass and recycled materials, as well as lightweight materials that reduce CO2 emissions during transportation.
Simplification of Packaging
We are working on reducing packaging for various products by examining the impact on transportation and product quality protection.

Racquet bag and string package made from biomass materials

Shopping bags used at competitions and events are made of recycled plastics, and we recommend using them repeatedly.
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