Employees / Diversity

Our Approach to Diversity

Every individual is different, including such invisible differences as gender, nationality, the presence or absence of disability, age, experiences and values. At Yonex, we consider everyone’s individuality as our invaluable asset. We accept and make use of each other’s differences, and promote diversity by pursuing efforts including the advancement of women, promotion of global human resources, and the hiring of people with disabilities. As we respect diversity and pursue it as a driving force for our growth, we continue to enhance the environment that allows every employee to maximize their capabilities.

Promotion of the Advancement of Women

We see our employees as our assets, and we use the term “human assets” in our recruitment and training efforts. In order to grow in the global market, it is important to build an organization that taps into diverse perspectives. We believe that promoting the advancement of our female employees is particularly important in driving our growth further. Creating an environment that allows our female employees to thrive more is an important task we face, and one which we continue to strive for.


1. Promotion of Women into Managerial Roles

Percentage of Women on the Executive Board

  June 30, 2020 June 30, 2021 June 30, 2022 June 30, 2023 June 30, 2024
Directors 12.5%
Executive Officers 15.4%
Audit & Supervisory Board Members 33.3%

Percentage of Women in Managerial Positions (Manager or Higher), Excluding the Consolidated Subsidiaries

Percentage of Women in Managerial Positions (Manager or Higher), Excluding the Consolidated Subsidiaries
*Percentages are the figures as of the end of each fiscal year

<Target for the ratio of women in managerial positions>

Goal: Percentage of Women in Managerial Positions (manager or higher) 30% by 2030

  • Target of 30% by FY2020 could not be achieved. (FY2020 result: 15.3%)
  • Maintain the target of 30%, but extend the deadline to FY2030 and continue to promote initiatives.

【As of 21 April 2024】

  • Percentage of women in managerial positions (manager or higher): 26.1%
  • Percentage of female candidates for future management positions
    (assistant manager, section chief, or chief): 36.6%

2. Active Hiring of Women

Percentage of Women Among the Employees Hired, Excluding the Consolidated Subsidiaries

  2019 2020(※) 2021 2022 2023
College Graduates 31.6% - 40.0% 50.0% 49.1%
Mid-Career 57.1% 28.6% 56.2% 42.8% 50.5%
(*) FY2020 results are based on different conditions from previous years due to reduced hiring caused by COVID-19.

3. Training to Promote the Advancement of Women

  • Conduct workshops under the theme of women’s advancement and raise awareness
  • Hold lecture meetings by inviting role models from within and outside of the company
  • Support further advancement by holding training specifically designed for female managers
  • Hold meetings between female employees and Human Resources Development to gather information and develop corrective measures for any issues identified

4. Support to Achieve a Balance Between Work and Child Rearing

  • Create an environment that allows women to work while raising children, including a shortened working time schedule.
  • Support women’s return to work through the shared use of day care at the workplace
  • Share information about the company while taking childcare leave
  • Hold follow-up meetings with women on their return to work
  • Exchange information with those who have taken childcare leave to foster a better working environment

Promotion of the Advancement of Foreign Nationals and Mid-Career Hires

To expand our business in the global market, we actively hire and promote foreign national employees in overseas subsidiaries and headquarters. We also enhance the recruitment of experienced mid-career employees and fairly promote them to managerial positions.

  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of non-Japanese
28 26 25 35 44
Percentage of non-Japanese
employees in managerial positions
(manager or higher)
1.2% 1.1% 3.0% 2.4% 3.8%
Percentage of mid-career
employees in managerial positions
(manager or higher)
19.1% 26.2% 28.7% 28.7% 27.7%
*Excluding the consolidated subsidiaries

Childcare Support

We have a system in place that allows our employees to continue to work with reassurance and maximize their potential when they reach various stages in life, such as having and raising of a child. Our system is available for both men and women to help them achieve a balance between work and child rearing/nursing care.

Childcare Support System

Work-Life Balance

In addition to complying with the laws such as the 36 Agreement, we work to create an environment and support systems that allow our diverse human assets to flourish. By preventing long working hours and promoting health management and work life balance, we pursue the improvement of operational efficiency and productivity.

Systems and Actions

  • No Overtime Day (once a week)
    Wednesday is designated as a No Overtime Day where employees are prompted to leave work on time.
  • Paid Vacation Time by the Hour
    Paid vacation can be taken by the hour for up to five days per year.
  • Staggered Working Hours
    Working hours can be changed from the regular hours of 9:00am to 5:30pm. By filing a request for staggered
    working hours in advance, working hours can be changed to fit the employee’s work and set to be eight and a half hours (including one-hour break).
  • Types of Paid Leave
    • Sick/Injured Child Care Leave:5 days a year /child (i.e. 10 days/2 or more children) * For preschool-age children
    • Short Term Family Care Leave:5 days a year /person (i.e. 10 days/2 people)
    • Special Leave for Childbirth:2 days can be taken when a spouse gives birth
    • Maternity Leave:Can be taken 6 weeks before and 8 weeks after childbirth
    • Paternity Leave:Up to 4 weeks can be taken within 8 weeks of the child's birth
    • Childcare Leave:Can be taken in 2 installments until the child turns 2 years old
    • Family Care Leave:Total of 93 days/person
    • Reduced Working Hours for Childcare:Working hours can be changed while maintaining 6 hours per day *Until the child completes the third grade of elementary school
    • Reduced Working Hours for Family Care:Working hours can be changed while maintaining 6 hours per day (within 93 days/person)
    • Reduced Working Hours for Family Care:Working hours can be changed while maintaining 6 hours per day (within 93 days/person)

Our Approach to Health

As a sporting goods manufacturer that contributes to the health of people and society, health management of our employees is one of our highest priorities. A healthy body is essential to fostering a strong will and energy to carry out our mission of delivering the finest products to our customers and contributing to society through sport. Healthy bodies and minds are the foundation of our employees’ lives and indispensable assets to the company.

Certified as a Sports Yell Company

The Sports Agency has recognized us as a "Sports Yell Company" for our initiative-taking efforts to implement sports to promote the health of our employees. In addition, 2025 is the sixth consecutive year since 2020 that the company has achieved "Bronze" certification.

Certified as a Sports Yell Company Logo

Certified as a Tokyo Sports Promotion Company

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government has recognized us as a "Tokyo Sports Promotion Company" for our efforts to promote sports activities among our employees and our social contribution activities in sports for the sixth year in a row.

Certified as a Sports Yell Company Logo

Initiatives to Promote Health

  • Ban on Smoking/Prevention of Passive Smoking
    Smoking is prohibited on all company premises (from January 1, 2020)
  • Health Checkups
    We work on preventing the aggravation of diseases by encouraging hospital visits to those who need re-examination or medical attention.
    We offer flu vaccinations.
  • Work-Life Balance
    We ensure appropriate work hours by reducing overtime work with initiatives such as No Overtime Day (once a week).
  • Healthcare with the Occupational Physician and Nurses
    We work closely with occupational physicians and nurses to maintain and promote health.
    We conduct occupational safety and health committee meetings (once a month with an occupational physician for reporting on overtime hours and other topics).
  • Mental Health
    Stress checks are conducted.
    People with high stress levels are encouraged to consult the occupational physician.
    An employee consultation service is offered.
    Training on mental health is conducted.
  • Promotion of Employees’ Health
    We encourage our employees to engage in sport (and foster interaction among employees through badminton, tennis, soft tennis, golf, snowboarding, running, etc.).
    We conduct radio calisthenics (at the factories).
  • Other
    AED installation and training sessions are held.

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